Frequently Asked Questions

What is Manyflights?

That’s an email subscribed service helping you to find really cheap flights. We inform our users of flight deals that are lower in price than their usual value.

Why not just use search engines like Skyscanner, and others?

Things that we do are completely different from what classic search engines and price comparison websites can offer. Our search is not linked to a specific date or destination. Our search pattern is based on finding low prices over a wide range of dates. All you have to do is adjust a search session, and the system will look for inexpensive flights for you, create customized selections, and track price drops. You’ll get all notifications directly to your email and avoid the boring routine of finding the cheapest flights.

The price comparison website shows one price today and a much lower offer tomorrow, and you may miss this opportunity. We’ll inform you about all the changes.

Can I use your service for free?

Sure! Join Manyflights absolutely for free. Your free plan will allow you to get splendid flight deals to one destination of your choice.

We have a paid Premium plan as well. It allows you to get all the best flight deals available and provides access to all other advantages offered by our service. Please learn more about our plans here.

How does it work?

You specify your destination, we process large data amounts, check thousands of price offers, and send you the best flight offers findable online. The email includes the flights with prices lower than their historical values. We also show the discount percentage with respect to historical prices.

I’ve already visited similar websites. How is Manyflights different?

We are available anywhere in the world. Unlike other similar services, Manyflights searches for flights departing from any airport in the world wherever you live: in the US, India, Czechia, or any other country. We also offer you a wide range of filters allowing you to get the most relevant flight deals.

How often will I get notifications?

All users get cheap flight notifications once to twice a week. Premium users are notified as soon as we find a deal below the regular price or detect a significant price drop.

Can I choose the flight destination?

Yes, you can specify any city where you want to fly, and we will look for inexpensive flights to this destination. Premium users can specify up to 5 destinations at a time, and we will send a selection of the best flight deals to all those airports to your email.